5 ChatGPT Scams:- You Should Avoid!

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Nowadays ChatGPT is dominant everywhere. Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence tool developed by OpenAI company. Any technology has advantages as well as disadvantages. Many scams are also done on the internet by misusing the ChatGPT tool. In today's post we are going to know about 5 ChatGPT Scams so that you can protect yourself online.

ChatGPT Scam 1) Phishing Scam

While speaking this word 'Phishing' sounds similar to the word 'Fishing'. For example, while fishing, you put a hook in the water to catch a fish. In exactly the same way, online scammers send you links or messages to trap you. When you click on these unknown links or messages, your sensitive information like login credentials and passwords go to the scammers.

Scammers use ChatGPT to create such messages that appear to be genuine but send malicious links along with them. If you receive any message or email about which you have no knowledge, check whether it is authentic or not before clicking on it.

ChatGPT Scam 2) Fake Customer Support

This scam especially happens while shopping online. Scammers pretend to be a customer support executive. They use smart tools like ChatGPT to make sure what they say is absolutely true. They will ask for your sensitive information regarding technical issues, account problems and to refund the money.

Often, be it a bank or a big e-commerce company, they do not ask for all the information through message. They always use official channels like official email. Still, to keep yourself safe, ask the executive what his identity is. If he doesn't tell, then stay away from that chat.

ChatGPT Scam3) Misleading Investment Advice

ChatGPT is such a smart tool that scammers can use to create such enticing messages that you will be forced to read and take investment advice. Scammers create free Telegram, WhatsApp channels and send investment advisory messages created using ChatGPT. Sometimes buy this stock, sometimes sell that stock, 20% profit in a day and different types of messages.

Just think, you need knowledge of finance to invest money, if someone is giving everything for free to you then they have wrong motive behind it. Talk to your advisor before taking any investment advice. And not everyone has advisors, in such times, investigate that free advice yourself. Be safe yourself and keep your hard-earned money safe.

ChatGPT Scam 5) Online Shopping Scam

Scammers use ChatGPT to create fake product websites, fake customer reviews and claim to be customer support executives. While doing online shopping, always keep these things in mind that the online seller is authentic, read the reviews carefully, sometimes it happens that one type of word is used again and again in the reviews like Best, Quality and so on. People often get trapped in taxes.

And due to this, by shopping online they buy bad and low quality products. Often there is no refund policy and return policy on fake online shopping sites. Therefore, always shop from the sites of well-known companies. And never hurry while making payment. Do not give them your debit card and credit card details.

New technologies like ChatGPT will keep coming and new scams will also keep coming with it. If you want to avoid all this, you will have to be knowledgeable. By informing yourself about all these scams, you can avoid them be it online shopping scams or scams giving false investment advice. Be alert and informed


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